Looking forward to a future without the past...

I have my computer set to automatically apply the windows security update.  For the last several weeks Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB886903) has failed to install and is on a continuous loop of attempting.  I have tried to install it manually, cleaned out my temporary, looked for a corrupt install in add/remove programs, and read the Microsoft support article ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/887219 ) which was linked on the support page.  I think I understand from that article that there was once a problem which has since been resolved in which the installation failed.  However, I still cannot install the update even manually.

I know that some Stardock applications make use of Microsoft .NET Framework and I am wondering if i have to unload things, or if it would hurt my applications to get a different version of Net Framework.

At the very least I would like to get my computer out of the loop it is in, constantly nagging me about the update and leaving an icon in my tray.

Thank you.

edited to add that subsequent updates have installed without a problem.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 14, 2005
Hmmm... debugging was disabled in IE advanced...so dunno why that was running
on Jul 14, 2005
So no IE launch problems and did it update?
on Jul 14, 2005

sorry I was away for so long.  I was reading it and decided to uninstall some things I thought were gone already.  While i was in add/remove I found that hotfix that keeps trying to download only it isn't with the rest of them.  Should I delete it? 

on Jul 14, 2005
That's correct, it isn't with the others...uninstall it and whenever you update, let MS reinstall it
on Jul 14, 2005
Also my hijack this is very long.  Do you want the whole thing or just some parts of it?  (I'm embarrassed about how much junk is on my computer).  And yes, I do have IP3.00.090
on Jul 14, 2005
I think your problem is IP...roll it back to the last 2.xx version or update it to 3.00a.092. Post the whole embarrassing hijack file and let's see what you have
on Jul 14, 2005
For fixing IP you could try Run > regsvr32.exe /u "c:\program files\stardock\object desktop\iconpackager\iprepair.dll"  Worked for me...
on Jul 14, 2005

hehe... ok. 

Some things that are there should be gone.  I uninstalled avant browser a long time ago, I don't have Mcafee, nor Norton. Webshots is long gone too.  Also Yahoo... it should have been gone almost immediatly. 

on Jul 14, 2005
This feels as embarrassing as my first doctor visit when i was a real little girl.
on Jul 14, 2005
This feels as embarrassing as my first doctor visit when i was a real little girl.

It looks OK Diane.....longgggggggggg, but OK

You do need to update Java though Link
on Jul 14, 2005

Wheew, that was the hardest thing I did for a long time.  I always knew I would be sunk if I had to do this.  I don't know why, it just seems so personal.  I'll update Java, thanks.

on Jul 14, 2005
I may have mis-read your Java version. If it is then you're good............

If you uninstalled all that 'stuff' and it's still showing, you might want to look at a Registry cleaner...a good one is Link

There's a few more that are good, so you might want to look around.
on Jul 14, 2005

I was using a Registry cleaner and ran into a problem.  I think what happened was that I had updated my graphics card driver and then decided to wait to reboot.  After I rebooted it was a horrible mess until i could get to the drivers on my boot disc.  That was my fault though, so I guess I can try again.  What I learned was NEVER RUN A REG CLEANER POST UPDATE PRE REBOOT.

Thanks again Gary.

I went ahead and updated Java

on Jul 14, 2005

That update still fails to install.  I will just hide it.

on Jul 14, 2005

Update's still not doing it as it should...but I'll just leave it and 'wait'.

Prime issue at the moment is the IE lockups..... hopefully killing that process has 'sorted' it....time will tell...

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