Looking forward to a future without the past...
KarmaGirl.... thanks for all your hard work and the wonderful grace you bring to this site! You help it be a kind, supportive, and safe place to visit.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you along with best wishes for a speedy recovery. We are keeping your favorite spot here all fresh and clean and warm and happy for you to come home to soon!

goodmorphing is never sure about starting threads like this. The thing is, it is always a good and helpful thing to be aware of all the people who appreciate you during times like this. ...posting best wishes with some degree of discretion while at the same time not seeming too cryptic is a hard thing to do well.... ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))
Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 17, 2003
NEVER!!! I am a BAD BOY!!!
on Jul 17, 2003
Hey, how did you get KG's icon?
on Jul 17, 2003
on Jul 17, 2003
no party at KarmaGirls?

dang and shes gots a button too like Jafo ...

on Jul 17, 2003
it's easy but ya can't use it an I can't tell you
on Jul 18, 2003
Whats up KarmaGirl?
[Message Edited]
on Jul 19, 2003
on Jul 20, 2003
Well I saw our girl posting on another thread, so she's back from the hospital

Hope all is well.

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on Jul 20, 2003

Hi, everyone!

Thank you *so* much for all the good thoughts and prayers!  It was really nice to come back here and see this thread.

I'm doing quite well, but still very tired.  I had to have my thyroid removed (it's been an issue for the past 13 years).  Everything has gone quite well and I should be around a bit more this week, but I won't be back in full force until the 28th.

Sitting around is driving me crazy!  I am so used to being busy, but all I can do right now is sit around until after my next doctor appointment!!! Gack!

Again, thank you guys **SO** much for this thread!  It really brightened my day!


on Jul 20, 2003
Sorry, Angie....there was the odd foot on the furniture....but once the mud dried it brushed off easy enough...
on Jul 20, 2003
Sorry, Angie....there was the odd foot on the furniture....but once the mud dried it brushed off easy enough...

That was from me of course. Who else?
on Jul 20, 2003
@shu and Styl drank all the beer, again

[Message Edited]
on Jul 21, 2003

Feet on the furniture and all the beer is gone?  tsk..tsk


on Jul 21, 2003
KarmaGirl - I'm doing quite well, but still very tired. I had to have my thyroid removed (it's been an issue for the past 13 years). Everything has gone quite well and I should be around a bit more this week, but I won't be back in full force until the 28th.

it is SO good to see that you are getting better!!!

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on Jul 21, 2003
grayhaze gives Karma a big hug

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