Looking forward to a future without the past...
KarmaGirl.... thanks for all your hard work and the wonderful grace you bring to this site! You help it be a kind, supportive, and safe place to visit.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you along with best wishes for a speedy recovery. We are keeping your favorite spot here all fresh and clean and warm and happy for you to come home to soon!

goodmorphing is never sure about starting threads like this. The thing is, it is always a good and helpful thing to be aware of all the people who appreciate you during times like this. ...posting best wishes with some degree of discretion while at the same time not seeming too cryptic is a hard thing to do well.... ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 15, 2003
I am so happy to hear the surgery went well. Now get better fast so we can again enjoy your company.
on Jul 15, 2003
didn't know anything was wrong, but do hope shes feeling best soon

Same here
on Jul 16, 2003
Get well soon.

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on Jul 16, 2003
Hoping for a speeding recovery for you Java...
Hurry up back!
on Jul 16, 2003
We'll throw in well wishes...not to be confused with wishes in a well.

Good luck, Karmagil! Get well soon!
on Jul 17, 2003
Does anybody know if KG is home from the hospital yet?
on Jul 17, 2003
It's been four days now. Surely KG is sat at home with her feet up eating lots of chocolate... Somebody in Stardock land must know how she is?

Fuzzy Logic would like to know
on Jul 17, 2003
So bwould Kona
on Jul 17, 2003
Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
Good luck,KG!!! Get well soon!!
on Jul 17, 2003
Where's our little flower, and why isn't she around to keep me in line?
on Jul 17, 2003
While the master is away the cats shall play...
on Jul 17, 2003
Hey I need a Link to purchase Abracaqdabra pLEASE!!!!!!
on Jul 17, 2003
Oh and Belated Get well soon Karmagirl
on Jul 17, 2003

Jafo, keep the kids of the furniture while I'm gone, OK? Hi!

She put me in charge...so ya all better be good...

on Jul 17, 2003
Drop125 you're in the wrong thread - but try here: http://www.pixtudio.com/
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